
In this section, we will cover some of the important considerations when tuning your Bytewax dataflow for performance.

Performance is a tricky subject to cover generally, as the goals for performance can vary across different use cases. As an example, some use-cases may prioritize latency, at the cost of overall throughput. In this guide, we will use the word performance to represent a desired goal, whether that goal is throughput or latency.

As with all performance tuning, it is important to have good tooling to measure the effect of any changes you make. See the section on Profiling Bytewax for some tips on how to profile Bytewax.

One of the worthwhile trade-offs of dataflow programming is having to play by the strict rules of operators and state management. In return you gain the ability to more-easily scale your dataflow across a cluster for increased performance. Unfortunately “more-easily” does not mean “trivially”: Practically speaking, only adding more workers to a dataflow does not automatically result in an improvement in performance. The reality of all performance optimization is matching computational resources to the specific needs of your computation, and in this document we’ll describe concrete design recommendations you should follow while implementing your dataflow to play to the strengths of Bytewax and ensure your dataflow is performant.

Bytewax’s worker execution model#

A Bytewax worker is a thread that is executing your dataflow. Workers can be grouped into separate processes, but refer to a single thread within a single process.

Bytewax’s execution model uses identical workers. All workers contribute to executing all steps in the dataflow graph. Workers may exchange data to ensure the semantics of operators, but do not automatically exchange work to other workers in order to increase performance.

Workers, processes and GIL contention#

When multiple workers are started within the same Python process using -w/--workers-per-process, they must contend over Python’s GIL, or global interpreter lock. Python’s GIL ensures that only one Python thread can run at a time, preventing race conditions and ensuring thread-safety.

In practice this means that when you are attempting to increase the parallelism of a dataflow, you should try starting with multiple processes using the -i/--process-id, -a/--addresses instead of multiple workers with -w.

If your code can make use of libraries that make progress without holding the GIL (like python’s urllib), adding workers to each process with -w may increase performance.

The downside of starting multiple processes is that data must be serialized and sent over the network when it is exchanged to other workers, while a single process with multiple threads can avoid that overhead but must contend over the GIL. See the warning in this document for more details on the overhead of serialization.

Input sources#

One of the first things to consider when tuning a dataflow is the availability of input. Can your source be read in parallel? When starting multiple workers, can each of those workers read from your data source and make progress independently?

As an example, consider a topic in Kafka.

Topics in Kafka are made up of partitions. Each partition can be written to and read from independently. When multiple partitions are available for a topic, multiple consumers can read from different partitions in parallel, potentially increasing performance.

If your Kafka topic has a single partition, Bytewax will assign that partition to be read from a single worker in your dataflow. By default, Bytewax will not exchange data from that worker to other workers, unless your dataflow includes operators that would necessitate that exchange to ensure correct semantics.

graph LR; subgraph W1[worker 1] direction LR K1[(topic partition 1)] --> W1I[input] --> W1M[map] --> W1O[output] end subgraph W2[worker 2] direction LR K2[(no partitions assigned)] --> W2I[input] --> W2M[map] --> W2O[output] end

In this hypothetical scenario- a Kafka topic with a single partition, and a dataflow with no stateful operators, adding multiple workers would not increase performance as only worker one has been assigned any partitions and thus worker two sits idle. In this scenario, the redistribute operator can be added after the input step to exchange messages to other workers in the dataflow to enable the other workers to contribute to the downstream operations.

graph LR; subgraph W1[worker 1] direction LR K1[(topic partition 1)] --> W1I[input] --> W1R[redistribute] --> W1M[map] --> W1O[output] end subgraph W2[worker 2] direction LR K2[(no partitions assigned)] --> W2I[input] --> W2R[redistribute] --> W2M[map] --> W2O[output] end W1R --> W2M


Exchanging data to other workers introduces the overhead of serialization and network communication to move data between workers. If the computations in following operators are “small”, it’s possible that this overhead introduces more of a performance penalty than running the computations on the original more-loaded worker would have. Always empirically benchmark your performance to see if redistribute actually helps performance in your specific dataflow.

Key space distribution#

Stateful operators, like stateful_map take a KeyedStream as their input. In order to ensure the correct semantics for a stateful operator, all of the values for that key must be processed by the same worker. This means that the size of the key space sets an upper bound on the parallelization that your dataflow can achieve. One of your goals in designing your dataflow data model should be to have as fine-grained of a key space as possible during computationally-heavy steps so that your dataflow can take advantage of as much parallelism as you can add.

Another side-effect of the fact that stateful work is located by-key is that “hot keys” might result in specific workers having higher load, slowing the overall progress of the dataflow. Try to select your key space so that work is distributed over as many keys as possible.

There is no need to keep the same key-partitioning scheme for the entire dataflow. Use whatever key space makes sense for the next computational step that ensure the above two guidelines. E.g. feel free to initially partition your data by user ID to perform some computations, then re-partition by shopping cart ID, then join back together by user ID. The key_on operator can be used multiple times.

Batch sizes in input sources#

While the API for operators like map appear to operate over a single item at a time, Bytewax operators will often operate over and produce batches of messages internally for performance reasons. Some input sources can be configured to emit larger or smaller batches of input data, which can influence performance; look for a batch_size parameter on the input source.

Returning to our Kafka example- the Kafka consumers that are configured in Bytewax will prefetch batches of messages at a time from Kafka. By default, we attempt to fetch up to 1000 messages at a time in a batch to be emitted into the dataflow.

Some dataflows may benefit from larger or smaller batch sizes, depending on any requirements you may have for latency and throughput. Fetching smaller batches, or even a single message at a time may decrease latency, while increasing batch sizes may improve throughput.

batch_size is a configurable parameter when instantiating a KafkaSource:

from bytewax.connectors.kafka import KafkaSource, KafkaSink, KafkaSinkMessage
from bytewax import operators as op
from bytewax.dataflow import Dataflow

flow = Dataflow("example")
kinp = op.input(
    "kafka-in", flow, KafkaSource(["localhost:19092"], ["in-topic"], batch_size=5000)

Batching large-overhead operations#

Some dataflows can take advantage of larger input batch sizes by using operators like flat_map_batch instead of map.

If you are doing things like performing a computation using a GPU or calling out to a network service that has a batch endpoint, flat_map_batch can minimize the relative amount of overhead due to network or GPU setup by processing a batch of input at once.

Blocking calls and time.sleep#

Bytewax operators participate in a cooperative multitasking system and must yield control periodically in order for other operators to make progress. It is important that code in an operator does not block execution with calls to functions like time.sleep.

It is also important to consider the effect of code within an operator that may block waiting for input, like calls over the network to a remote endpoint that may block.

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